
Zello app not working

Communication plays a vital role in our life. It’s not only helps us knowing our closed friend well being but also a medium to do one’s business or promotes an idea or share a vital information or help in connecting with the remotest c

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Get Refund from Google play store

Does anybody want to claim the refund against the app in Google Play Store? Then they need to act fast, don’t let the time to run because the claim can be done within the two hours after purchasing the apps.

Get the exclusive

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Google play store app not working

Has your Google Play Store app stopped working on your device and shown some unwanted error? Then you can’t use it anymore until you would not fix this issue. There could be lots of reasons behind this problem and it is very hard to say whic

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Microsoft app store not working

Microsoft user's many times complaints that their Microsoft app doesn’t work and because of this they are facing issues in the working. This issue occurs because of various reasons and can be solved by the methods provided below.

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Remove pop ads on android phone

The use of an Android phone has been reaching a different level and this rise includes lots of problems for the users whether it’s virus or ads. There is plenty of Android application are present at the Play Store that infected with certain

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